
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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Mahdis Hosseini

Authorities manipulated Mehdis Hosseini’s family into a coerced suicide narrative, revealing the regime’s efforts to suppress truth and silence dissent amidst Iran’s ongoing struggle for justice and human rights.

Soroush Pour Ahmadi

Soroush Pourahmadi was arrested in early Azar 1401 (late November 2022) during the protests. After 25 days of torture, he was released on a road, and on December 26, he passed away in the hospital. They had drugged him to ensure his death.

Setayesh Sharifinia

Setaayesh Sharifinia was a teenager who was killed for protesting when she, like others, took to the streets against the Islamic Republic. She was detained and tortured by government agents and, ultimately, after her release, passed away in the hospital.

Melika Mahdavi

Melika Mahdavi, a young Iranian protestor, died under suspicious circumstances, falling from a building after her defiant act in Qeshm, where she burned her scarf in protest.