But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore
Siavash Rasouli
Father's Name:
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City of Birth:
State of Birth:
West Azerbaijan
Date of Birth:
City of Death:
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Date of Death:
Siavash Rasouli, originally from Sardasht, was a prisoner on death row in Rajaei Shahr Prison, Karaj. He was arrested by government forces six years ago and sentenced to death three years later by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s judicial system. Despite his worsening health condition and prior alerts to the prison authorities, his transfer to a medical facility was delayed. He ultimately passed away in Madani Hospital in Karaj on December 25, 2022. Rasouli’s family was reportedly not informed about the progression of his illness, the transfer to the medical center, or his death until they received a posthumous phone call from the prison.
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