But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore
Shahriar Adeli
Father's Name:
Abdol Rahim Adeli
Mother's Name:
City of Birth:
State of Birth:
West Azerbaijan
Date of Birth:
City of Death:
State of Death:
West Azerbaijan
Date of Death:
AusIran has verified some key details about this martyr, but the information is not complete.
Shahriar Adeli, in the early hours of Thursday, 9 Azar 1401 (November 30, 2022), was abducted by the Intelligence forces while expressing joy along with the people of Sardasht and residents of other cities in Kurdistan and Iran over the defeat of the Islamic Republic’s football team against the United States in the Qatar World Cup. He was inside his car when the abduction took place, carried out by the Intelligence forces of the Revolutionary Guard.
After three days, on December 12, Shahriar Adeli, who had been severely tortured in the Intelligence detention center of Sardasht, was released on bail. Due to intense torture, Shahriar Adeli suffered internal bleeding. After being hospitalized in Sardasht for several days, he was eventually returned to his parents’ home and tragically lost his life on Thursday night due to the severity of his injuries.
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