But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore
Setareh Tajik
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AusIran has verified some key details about this martyr, but the information is not complete.
Setareh Tajik (November 19, 2004 – September 22, 2022), a 17-year-old Afghan girl born in Tehran, was severely beaten and killed by Iranian government forces during the 2022 uprising in Tehran.
Setareh Tajik, a 17-year-old Afghan immigrant, was killed in Tehran on September 22. According to reports, her face and other parts of her body were severely fractured, and she was killed due to beatings by Iranian government forces. The official burial certificate issued for Setareh Tajik by the forensic medicine department, reviewed by Amnesty International, stated that her death was caused by “multiple injuries from impact with a hard object.”
Amnesty International reports that Mohammad Reza Sarvari and Setareh Tajik were two Afghan teenagers killed during the 2022 uprising in Iran. A diplomatic source from Afghanistan in Iran told Deutsche Welle that they had received a complaint about the killing of an Afghan teenager during the protests in Iran, and investigations are ongoing. The source, who did not want to be named in the report, said, “So far, one survivor of the victims has approached us, and we have collaborated with Iranian authorities for further investigation.”
Farzaneh Hosseini (actress): “A generation born in Iran, our generation, a generation that apparently has no right to protest, neither here nor there, and we die here, there.”
Social media reactions: A user on Twitter wrote: “#Setareh_Tajik, a 17-year-old Afghan girl who fled to Iran from the Taliban; however, she was killed by the Taliban stepfather in Tehran. Setareh was killed on September 22, 2022, due to severe beatings by suppressors. The cause of her death, like Nika Shaker-Mi, is written as ‘multiple injuries, due to being hit by a hard object.'”
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