
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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Nima Nouri

Women, Life, Freedom

Name: Nima Nouri
Father's Name: Unknown
Mother's Name: Unknown
City of Birth: Unknown
State of Birth: Unknown
Date of Birth: 2004-04-15
City of Death: Karaj
State of Death: Alborz
Date of Death: 2022-11-03

AusIran has thoroughly researched and verified all information about this martyr.


Nima Nouri’s life was cut tragically short in a manner that underscores the brutality faced by protesters in Iran. On November 3, 2022, amidst the chaos of a crowd gathered to honor the memory of another fallen protester, Hadith Najafi, Nouri was fatally wounded by government forces in Karaj. As the masses voiced their defiance against the regime, chanting for change and freedom, Nouri joined them, embodying the courage and resolve of the young generation seeking justice.

The circumstances of his death are heartbreakingly vivid. As the crowd surged towards Behesht Sakineh cemetery, the air thick with the spirit of resistance, government forces opened fire. Nouri, caught in the gunfire, was hit by two bullets—one to his chest and another to his leg. This brutal act of violence occurred in a moment of collective mourning and protest, highlighting the extreme risks faced by those who dared to confront the regime’s tyranny.

After being shot, Nouri was quickly taken to Vosal Clinic, an immediate attempt to save his life. However, the severity of his injuries necessitated his transfer to Madani Hospital. There, the grim reality set in; despite initial misleading information to his family about the nature of his wounds, it became clear that Nouri had been critically injured in both his leg and chest by the forces of the government.

Nouri’s death was not just a personal tragedy for his family and friends; it was a symbol of the state’s violent response to the cries for freedom and dignity. The message engraved on his tombstone and his own premonitory words on social media reflect a young life dedicated to the struggle for a better Iran. Nouri’s story, marked by his ultimate sacrifice, continues to resonate, inspiring others to persist in the fight for freedom and justice in the face of oppression.

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