But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore
Molavi Yousef Raeisi
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
City of Birth:
State of Birth:
Sistan and Baluchestan
Date of Birth:
City of Death:
State of Death:
Sistan and Baluchestan
Date of Death:
AusIran has verified some key details about this martyr, but the information is not complete.
Molavi Yousef Raeisi, a Sunni Baloch cleric from the village of Haridook in Lashar county, became a symbol of resilience and solidarity in the face of oppression. On November 1, 2022, in the aftermath of expressing his solidarity with Molana Abdul Hamid and the tragic events of the bloody Friday in Zahedan, Raeisi was brutally murdered by plainclothes IRGC forces in Espek, marking a somber chapter in the ongoing struggle for religious and political freedom in Iran.
Born to Abdul Rashid, the Imam of Haridook, Raeisi was a respected figure, revered for his unwavering commitment to his community and his faith. His abduction, following his path from the mosque to his home, and the discovery of his lifeless body with visible signs of torture and bound limbs, underscored the perilous conditions under which clerics advocating for justice and peace operate within the Islamic Republic.
Raeisi’s assassination occurred against a backdrop of escalating tensions between the government and Baloch clerics, particularly after the firm political stances taken by Molana Abdul Hamid against the regime’s injustices. Raeisi, having publicly aligned himself with Hamid’s criticisms, paid the ultimate price for his convictions, highlighting the government’s ruthless crackdown on dissenting voices within the religious community.
The tragic end of Molavi Yousef Raeisi not only deprived the community of a dedicated cleric but also illuminated the dangerous reality for those daring to speak out against tyranny in Iran. His death, a stark reminder of the cost of solidarity in the fight for freedom, resonates as a call to action against the suppression of peaceful dissent and the violation of human rights.
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