But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore
Mohamadreza Eskandari
Father's Name:
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AusIran has thoroughly researched and verified all information about this martyr.
Mohammad Reza Eskandari, a 26-year-old from Pakdasht, Iran, tragically lost his life amid ongoing protests, becoming a poignant symbol of the human cost of civil unrest. An exclusive interview with a close associate of Mohammad Reza, conducted by Deutsche Welle Persian, sheds light on his life, dreams, the heart-wrenching circumstances surrounding the discovery of his body, and the security forces’ pressure on his family.
Born and raised in Pakdasht, Mohammad Reza’s life was marked by his vibrant aspirations and the deep bonds he shared with his family and friends. On the fateful evening of September 21, like any other day, he had planned to spend time with his friends after working out at the gym—a routine that underscored his commitment to fitness and camaraderie. However, a routine check-in call from his mother at around 7:30 p.m. turned out to be their last conversation. As protests escalated in Pakdasht, the family lost contact with Mohammad Reza, sparking a frantic search that led them to a clinic, where they were initially barred entry by security forces.
Upon gaining access, they were confronted with a harrowing sight: Mohammad Reza’s body, lying on the floor, drenched in blood, without even the dignity of being placed on a stretcher. The clinic floor was stained with blood, a silent testament to the violence that had claimed his life. The bullet wound on his chest was crudely covered with tape, a stark indication of the cause of death, despite official reports attributing it to “blunt force trauma.”
In the aftermath, the family faced immense obstacles from security forces in their quest to bury Mohammad Reza according to their wishes. The savings his father had set aside for his wedding were offered in desperation to secure a burial site of their choosing, a plea that was ultimately denied. The authorities insisted on direct transport to the cemetery, denying the family the closure of bringing Mohammad Reza home one last time.
Mohammad Reza’s life and untimely death highlight the universal yearning for freedom and dignity. He had tattoos symbolizing “Freedom” and a Roman soldier, embodying his deep-seated beliefs in the sanctity of these ideals. His family, including a father who is a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war, has always prioritized country over politics, a sentiment that Mohammad Reza himself embodied.
A devoted son and brother, Mohammad Reza’s absence has left an indelible void in his family. Despite their profound grief, his mother cannot bear to disturb his belongings, leaving his room untouched as a shrine to his memory. His aspirations, from traveling to Qatar for the World Cup to possibly immigrating for a better life, now lie buried with him.
Mohammad Reza Eskandari’s story is a tragic reminder of the human toll of conflict and the enduring struggle for justice and freedom. His family’s ongoing sorrow and the community’s outrage serve as a call to action for human rights and dignity, echoing far beyond the borders of Pakdasht.
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