But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore
Hesam Forouzandeh
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Hosam Forouzandeh, a young student from Zanjan, was a final-term medical (Anesthesiology) student at Zanjan University. He was one of the hundreds of students detained during the “Women, Life, Freedom” revolution. The circumstances of his death are disputed; some accounts suggest that his lifeless body was left at his father’s doorstep by security forces, while others indicate he might have taken his own life due to the psychological pressures stemming from his imprisonment. The responsibility for his death is widely attributed to the Islamic Republic and specifically to Ali Khamenei. His university peers commemorated him in a ceremony at Zanjan University on 7 Esfand, vowing to continue the fight for freedom and to ensure that the voices of talented young individuals like Hosam are heard and their dreams not crushed by oppressive regimes.
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