
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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Alireza Khoshkar Bayati

Women, Life, Freedom

Name: Alireza Khoshkar Bayati
Father's Name: Unknown
Mother's Name: Unknown
City of Birth: Tehran
State of Birth: Tehran
Date of Birth: 1991-12-20
City of Death: Unknown
State of Death: Unknown
Date of Death: 2022-12-07

AusIran has thoroughly researched and verified all information about this martyr.


In the final hours of December 7, authorities pursued Alireza Khoshkar Bayati’s personal car on Mirdamad Boulevard in Tehran using a motorcycle. They shattered the windows of Alireza Khoshkar Bayati’s car and shot him at very close range. He was targeted with a live bullet, and the shot, after hitting his hand, entered his lung. Eyewitnesses informed Alireza Khoshkar Bayati’s family that the shooter was a member of the law enforcement personnel and was in uniform. Instead of taking him to the hospital, security forces brought him to the police station. Eventually, after several hours of bleeding, they transferred his lifeless body to the hospital.

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