
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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Ali Kordkolahveri

Women, Life, Freedom

Name: Ali Kordkolahveri
Father's Name: Yahya
Mother's Name: Unknown
City of Birth: Khash
State of Birth: Sistan and Baluchestan
Date of Birth: 1997-05-25
City of Death: Khash
State of Death: Sistan and Baluchestan
Date of Death: 2022-11-04

AusIran has thoroughly researched and verified all information about this martyr.


Ali Kordkolahori was reported to have been killed by security forces in Khash during the “Bloody Friday” events on 13 Aban 1401 (November 4, 2022). His death is among those highlighted in the tragic events that unfolded in Khash, where security forces were reported to have used live ammunition against protesters. This day marks a significant and sorrowful moment, reflecting the severe crackdown on protesters by the Islamic Republic’s security forces, especially in areas with significant ethnic and religious minority populations like Sistan and Baluchistan​​​​.

The circumstances surrounding Ali Kordkolahori’s death, alongside others, underscore the broader context of the protests that swept through Iran, where demonstrators faced lethal force for their participation or, in some cases, mere presence in areas of protest. The incident in Khash is a stark reminder of the human cost of the quest for justice and freedom in Iran, amidst a backdrop of widespread national unrest sparked by grievances against systemic oppression and injustice​​​​.

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