But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore
Adel Barichi
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
City of Birth:
State of Birth:
Sistan and Baluchestan
Date of Birth:
City of Death:
State of Death:
Sistan and Baluchestan
Date of Death:
AusIran has verified some key details about this martyr, but the information is not complete.
Adel Borichi, a 15-year-old from the Shirabad area of Zahedan, became a tragic symbol of the violent suppression of protests in Iran, specifically during the events known as the “Bloody Friday” in Zahedan. On the 6th of Aban (October 28, 2022), Adel was fatally shot in the head by direct fire from the regime’s forces amidst peaceful demonstrations against the Islamic Republic. Despite the presence of surveillance cameras at the site of his death, the perpetrators have not been identified or brought to justice.
The death of Adel, along with other minors like Omid Naroui and Amir Shahnavazi, highlights the severe crackdown on protestors, including children and teenagers, by the Iranian security forces. The loss of such young lives has drawn attention to the harsh realities faced by protestors, especially in regions with significant minority populations like Zahedan, where citizens are demanding their rights and freedoms amidst a backdrop of violence and oppression. Adel Borichi’s death is mourned as one of the many unnamed victims of recent state violence, leaving behind a community in grief and a nation calling for accountability and change.
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