
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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The Time Has Come

The death of Mahsa Amini, was a spark to a flame which burnt these words into history; women, life, liberty… It is the flame that will guide us out of the darkness, away from this regime’s oppression. Beneath this flame, however bloody and difficult at times, the peoples struggle continues with hope and resilience until […]

The death of Mahsa Amini, was a spark to a flame which burnt these words into history; women, life, liberty…

It is the flame that will guide us out of the darkness, away from this regime’s oppression.

Beneath this flame, however bloody and difficult at times, the peoples struggle continues with hope and resilience until victory… until revolution!

And we will be there -as we have been every single day since the beginning of this uprising- to support our people from here.

We will gather on Saturday  the 1st of October between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. at Belmore Park, Haymarket, entrance via Eddy Avenue – opposite central station.

جان مهسا امینی مشعلی شد حامل شعله «زن، زندگی، آزادی» تا مسیر رهائی از استبداد دینی حاکم را روشن کند. اینک و در پرتو این شعله، جنبش مردم ایران لحظاتی سخت و خونین، اما پرامید را از سر می‌گذراند. ما نیز همانند روزهای پیشین روز شنبه اول اکتبر از ساعت ۴ تا ۶ بعد از ظهر به پشتیبانی از این جنبش بزرگ در پارک Belmore گرد هم خواهیم آمد.

Belmore Park

Address: Belmore Park, Haymarket NSW 2000

Date: 2022-10-01

Start Time: 16:00

End Time: 18:00

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